“Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper or your self-confidence.”
— Robert Frost
A dangerous thing happened to our schools, starting in the Year 2002, when No Child Left Behind was passed into law. I know you’ve heard the propaganda about No Child Left Behind.
But this newsletter is about speaking the truth—and giving you the real information and academic research—so you can make up your own mind.
And that’s the point.
Everyone has the same goal.
We want to fix our schools!
Therefore the problem America must deal with is deciding how we fix our schools. What should schools be teaching our children?
Since that’s the real problem we face—then the answer to that problem must be to make a decision. Do we want schools to teach X or Y? And we can’t make that decision until everyone has voiced their opinion on it.
So now’s your chance to speak up!
Don’t allow someone else to steal your voice and speak for you.
Make your voice known.
The problem with social media is that ordinary people think that their opinion is right or wrong. And that’s not true. Everyone’s opinion is just that - “an opinion.” No one is right and no one is wrong.
Once you learn that opinions cannot be right or wrong—is the minute you start to live in a country that respects other people. If you want people to respect you and your opinion, then you need to stop thinking there are right opinions and wrong ones—there aren’t.
The only thing that has a true or false statement against it—is real academic research.
Facts and research can be right or wrong. Opinions are just how you feel about the world—and your feelings can never be right or wrong. They just are—because of the old philosophical phrase:
“I think, therefore I am.”
What Do You Think?
It’s time for you to stand up and be counted. What do you think schools should teach kids? And the best way to answer that question and for other people to hear it—is through a facebook group.
And that’s what we have done. We have created a public facebook group that is bringing people together from all walks of life. From all 50 states and from every race, gender, religion and sexual orientation—to make sure that your voice is heard.
Therefore this is the question you need to answer: